"The discovery that peace, happiness and love are ever-present within our own being and completely available at every moment of experience, under all conditions, is the most important discovery that anyone can make".
Self = our essential Being
Service = to set aside selfishness, to add value
Guru = remover of obstacles
Truth is simple, the seeker is complex.
Speaking from experience, I was full of misconceptions regarding awakening.
I was lost in faulty thinking and unprocessed muscle-memory; life was mostly unhappy.
I tried hard to apply positive thinking, to become a better person, to make sense, to meditate, to practice, consuming spiritual books, videos and ideas; believing, hoping, waiting... but I remained stuck in overlooking the obvious.
Spiritual ego is maybe the toughest one, because it has so many noble intentions.
Mind, your own business?
The biggest shift happened when I finally understood the me-chanism of suffering in the company of friends, dedicated to love and truth.
Besides some fun-da-mental understanding, the biggest contributor to peace and harmony in my life was and is interactive human contact, not only with friends dedicated to spiritual honesty and clarity.
Deep gratitude for our meetings at the GardenOfFriends.com.
Practical peace of mind in daily living.
I suffered a lot in my private bubble of unprocessed impressions, assumptions, expectations and resistance; so ridiculous in hindsight!
So ridiculous looking at the madness in the world, today!
Both have the same root, the same misunderstanding (that can be released).
Just be still and know I am!
We heard the words a thousand times, but they were always filtered through "me".
For decades, maybe lifetimes, did we think and feel on behalf of this imagined "me".
On my own it was impossible to break free from the mental prison I entertained.
One fits all?
Do you want the red pill or the blue pill...
Self–Service.Guru is a sincere dedication to nurture and inspire practical peace and spiritual maturing in daily living.
Amazingly, it seems to be easier to live on Mars than to debunk our own suffering and mess.
Please contribute... be brave, walk your talk...
Alan Watts - The role of the guru